Unlock the potential of your empty home with our new loan scheme | Latest news


Unlock the potential of your empty home with our new loan scheme

unlock A common obstacle to owners looking to renovate an empty home for rental, sale or occupation is lack of finances.

The Empty Property Assistance Programme was first launched by Arun District Council in January 2015 to enable owners of empty homes to bring their properties back into habitable use.

As part of our ongoing commitment to reducing the number of empty homes across the district, a new loan scheme is now being agreed to allow the Empty Homes Team to offer up to £20,000 to owners of unoccupied homes.

The funding can be used towards the renovation or improvement of the empty home, which must then be sold within 12 months.

Once the property is sold, the money must be paid back to the council via the charge registered. The scheme does not require the property to be rented to the council.

Councillor Birch, Chair of the Housing and Wellbeing Committee at Arun District Council, said:

"There is a real value in bringing empty homes back into use for our communities. Empty homes can blight a neighbourhood because they are left to fall into disrepair and they can be a source of vandalism, antisocial behaviour or can become unsafe over time.

"We are delighted to be able to offer owners of empty homes this helping hand by way of a loan to get their properties back into use. By using this funding effectively, it is hoped we will continue to decrease the number of empty homes in the district, resulting in additional, affordable housing being created for those in housing need."

To be eligible, the property must have been recorded with Council Tax as unfurnished and unoccupied ‘empty’ for six months or more. Limited funding is available and will be on a first come first served basis.

The council also offers a non-repayable loan of up to £5,000 and a repayable interest-free loan of up to £10,000, to assist empty homeowners who need to carry out a small amount of work to bring their empty home back into use. Part of the criteria of these two funding options is that the property is rented through the Housing Options Team to nominate a tenant.

Full information on all available schemes can be found on the website at Empty property financial assistance information guide | Arun District Council