Today is for Random Acts of Kindness! | Latest news


Today is for Random Acts of Kindness!

kindness Celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day is all about spreading love and positivity.

Here are some ideas to inspire acts of kindness on this special day:

  • give compliments - offer sincere compliments to friends, family, and even strangers to brighten their day
  • pay it forward - when you're at a coffee shop or drive-thru, pay for the order of the person behind you
  • send thoughtful messages - send uplifting messages or notes to friends, reminding them of your appreciation and support
  • help a neighbour - assist a neighbour with tasks
  • donate to charity - contribute to a charitable organisation or cause that you're passionate about
  • visit the elderly or lonely - spend time within people in nursing homes or assisted living facilities, offering companionship and a listening ear
  • volunteer your time: volunteer at local charities, shelters, or community events to make a positive impact. Read more here: Volunteering Opportunities Results (
  • share resources - tell a friend, family member or colleague about Able Futures, it might just be the pick me up they need!

Random acts of kindness | Able Futures Mental Health Support Service (

Today is a reminder that small gestures of kindness have the power to change the world. By spreading love and positivity, we can create a more compassionate and caring society. Take this opportunity to be kind and inspire others to do the same.

Together, we can make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time, not just today, but everyday!