Slindon hedge conservation project | Latest news


Slindon hedge conservation project

hedge project Tony Baker, Arun District Council’s Community Parks Officer has been doing an excellent job of putting a conservation hedge project together in one of our lovely villages, Slindon.

The image shows Phil Hart, the appointed contractor, beside the overgrown hedge that’s been laid in a traditional Sussex manner, which will benefit birds and small mammals as the structural complexity of the hedge develops.

Villagers are overjoyed with the results and the parish council has been extremely supportive and proactive in obtaining funding for the work via the South Downs National Park, on which Cllr Stephen McAuliffe (Arun District Councillor, Arundel and Walburton) sits as an appointed member by the council.

Cllr McAuliffe said:

“In my view it’s an excellent example of the benefits that can be realised when council officers and councillors work collaboratively to deliver a parish-funded project, through the vision and ideas of a dedicated and resourceful officer and a skilful contractor.”