Protecting our sand dunes at West Beach, Littlehampton | Latest news


Protecting our sand dunes at West Beach, Littlehampton

 Text: Please protect our sand dunes. Arun District Council logo. Photo of the sand dunes, with grasses in the forefront and the beach, sea and cloudy sky in the backgroundSand dunes are one of the most ecologically important habitats in the UK. This is partly because dunes contain unique and rare habitats, not found anywhere else, and the south coast only has a few.

At West Beach, Littlehampton we are fortunate to have nationally scarce species growing and living in our dunes. This is why the area is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and has two small fenced-off areas to give wildlife the best chance of avoiding disturbance. Read more here: SSSI Definition and Value to Conservation - Woodland Trust

A few members of the public are choosing to ignore the fencing and signs and are still walking in the dunes. We need to protect this habitat and ask people to please keep your distance and let this area thrive.

From time to time, you may see people in the dunes conducting surveys, they will be wearing hi-vis jackets and have permission from Arun District Council to be there. The more information we gather about the dunes, the better we can manage and protect what is there.

More about sand dunes: Sand dunes | The Wildlife Trusts