Plastic Free July | Latest news


Plastic Free July

 Text: Go plastic free this month. Green background with animated images of a yellow and black water cup, an orange cup with black straws and a net shopping bag with bread, fruit and vegetables inside.This July, why not consider taking steps to reduce your single use plastic consumption?

Plastic Free July is designed to make us aware and provides ideas to help reduce our single use plastic waste. Some ideas are listed below:


  •       take your own reusable coffee cup or have your coffee in a        café instead of a take-away
  •       buy loose fruit and vegetables instead of those in plastic            bags
  •       have a reusable water bottle to fill up instead of buying it in        a plastic bottle; many cafés and restaurants are happy to fill        this up for you at no cost!
  •       when shopping, always remember to take reusable bags            instead of buying them
  •       switch from liquid soaps and shampoos to bars – you can          buy shampoo and conditioner ‘zero waste’ bars
  •       store leftovers in reusable containers

Plastic is harmful to the environment as it is not biodegradable and therefore can take thousands of years to break down. If it’s not discarded properly it will build up in the environment.

Plastic pollution has negative impacts on marine wildlife, it damages soil, and can cause health impacts as plastics are ingested and passed up the food chain.

Additionally, plastic is made from chemicals derived from fossil fuels, and so there are negative effects on the planet from its creation.

If you do use plastic, remember to recycle what you can at home or at your local recycling centre.

Many supermarkets also now have collection points for plastic bags and wrapping. Find your nearest participating store.

Plastic bottles, pots, tubs, and trays can be recycled at home if they are clean, dry, and loose. Find more information on what plastics can be recycled at home here.

For more information see the link below:

Get Involved - Plastic Free July

Don’t forget the three R’s - reduce, reuse, and recycle!