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Planning performance news

Arun District Council is the third best performing planning department in England.

The government has just published a consultation and as part of that, they have included a new table that shows data for 2023.

The data is displayed in the style they propose using in the future - performance data with and without the use of Extensions of Time. We are very pleased to say that Arun District Council is one of the highest performing Planning Departments in England.

The table below shows some of the highlighted data.

Table showing planning performance statistics





The notable headlines from the data follow:

• 93% of our planning decisions are delegated to officers. That is 279th out of 335 authorities in England

• we are the third best performing authority in England when it comes to decisions on non-major applications being determined within eight weeks. We determined 84% of applications within eight weeks and we issue significantly more decisions than the two authorities above us. (by way of comparison this is the data for some other West Sussex authorities - Mid Sussex – 65%, Horsham 44%, Worthing 42%, Chichester 38%)

• we have the lowest use of Extension of Time on non-major applications of any authority in England. Only 7% of decisions are subject to Extensions of Time for non-major development. Some authorities are at +80% for the use of Extension of Time! (Mid Sussex 34%, Worthing 51%, Chichester 53%, Horsham 54%)

• we are the 3rd best performing authority in England for determining householder apps within eight weeks. 94%. The top performing authority had six decisions; We had 583! (Mid Sussex 73%, Horsham 52%, Chichester 46%, Worthing 43%, Crawley 10%)

• we are 30th in England for determining the most applications for major development. This shows that the number of majors we get is very high. • we are 32nd for determining the most major applications within 13 weeks (37%). Only one authority with better performance determined more applications though. (Mid Sussex 30%,Chichester 23%, Worthing 17%, Horsham 16%, Crawley 0%)

The chart below shows the progress that has been made over the past six years.

Graph showing planning performance year on year with percentage of applications determined within eight and 13 weeks





There have been a lot of changes implemented to make this improvement in service. We have employed and developed skilled professionals and improved processes, resulting in this brilliant set of performance data.