One-to-one retail support | Latest news


One-to-one retail support

Free retail support for independent retailers in Arun As part of our work with local businesses, we are offering one-to-one retail support for any independent retail business in Arun. 

Our recently appointed retail experts have vast experience of retail having worked with companies such as The Sears Group, Hamleys and Harrods. They understand the way in which large retail companies run and can transfer this to be relevant to small independent businesses.  

This is a great opportunity for retailers in the district to get in touch and benefit from time with these experts. They will arrange to meet up at the business, talk to the owner and any relevant staff. From there they will produce a set of ideas and an action plan.

There is no cost for this service. The value of having a well-trained eye look over what you do and how you do it is priceless and can only help improve your business.

Councillor Andy Cooper, Chairman of the Economy Committee said:

“With many years of experience in the retail industry myself, this one-to-one retail support provision is invaluable. To be able to tap into such knowledge of the sector can hold huge benefits for retailers and I encourage them to contact Miriam to make arrangements.”

If you are interested in taking advantage of this offer for your retail business and are based in the Arun district, please contact