Last chance - Consultation Regulation 18 Direction of Travel Document (Issues and Options) | Latest news


Last chance - Consultation Regulation 18 Direction of Travel Document (Issues and Options)

Blue background. Text: Consultation on Direction of Travel. Arun District Council logo bottom right

We have been consulting on The Regulation 18 Direction of Travel Document (Issues and Options) from 25 March and the deadline to respond is until 5pm on 13 May 2024 (this Monday).

Regulation 18 notification is the earliest stage of plan making. Arun has future needs arising from a growing population, which must be planned for sustainably, in the face of climate change. This means that the Local Plan may affect you either directly or indirectly now or in the future. Therefore, the council would like to hear what you think on these matters (see topics and questions in the Direction of Travel document) to help in shaping the updated Local Plan before it progresses through its later statutory stages.

As the deadline approaches you still have the option to have your say on the council’s consultation portal. Please click on the link:

Anonymous comments will not be accepted – all comments received will be included on our website (including your name but not your address or email details).