Flooding update | Latest news


Flooding update

Following the flooding in Littlehampton we are now looking at the recovery of the area. We are working with agencies to discuss next steps with a particular focus on Rope Walk / Ferry Road.

Those evacuated from affected locations remain so and have been provided with all necessary support until they can return to their premises while work to rectify issues continues. Winds are expected to continue to calm over the coming days and tide hights are set to reduce which should lead to more settled conditions, aiding the recovery process. 

A page will be available on our website, giving information about where further support can be found.

We plan to host a drop-in for residents and businesses locally, together with other agencies, as soon as possible.

Power supply is due to be restored by 5pm today, 10 April,  further information can be found at the following link Power Track (ssen.co.uk). Work to repair damage is ongoing and Ferry Road and Rope Walk in Littlehampton remain closed at this time.

We are aware of the amount of shingle that has washed up onto the promenades and are putting together a plan for clearance, which will take into account that we have further high tides forecast.

Our housing team have placed four households in emergency accommodation and will continue to support them.