Did you know? We donate old laptops - helping pupils and the planet | Latest news


Did you know? We donate old laptops - helping pupils and the planet

Text: Did you know? we donate old laptops, helping pupils and the planet. Photo of a laptop on a table with a hand pointing the screen and two hands clicking onto a mouse. We have been donating our second-hand laptops to schools for a while now - these are computers that have reached the end of their business life and are no longer effective at running council systems. Rather than going to waste, the council donate them local schools as they are still functional for basic use.

After being wiped of data, the computers are delivered to schools by the council's facilities team. Just recently, we have provided eight laptops to Walberton and Binstead Church of England Primary school and the same at Arundel Church of England Primary school. 

Not only do the schools benefit, but the environment does too. The UK is currently one of the largest producers of household e-waste in the world, so it's good to see these computers being reused.

If your computer or laptop is no longer of use, please consider donating it to a school or group which might benefit from it. The BBC - Give a Laptop page has a list of companies and charities that would benefit - they can be found here BBC - Give a laptop

Alternatively, take it to your local Household Recycling Centre or search online for a group that might be able to repair it and pass it on, such as WeeeCharity, who aim to reduce the amount of WEEE [Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment] going to landfill. Details can be found here: www.weeecharity.co.uk