Did you know? We are tackling fraud activity in housing | Latest news


Did you know? We are tackling fraud activity in housing

Text: Did you know? We deal with fraud activity in housing. Images of plastic block (similar to dice) with house images on them - one orange the others grey in colour

We are pleased to announce a significant achievement in our ongoing efforts to combat housing fraud within the Arun district. In the last financial year, our dedicated Housing Fraud officer has successfully recovered 16 properties from fraudulent activities, amounting to a staggering £2.325 million in property recovery, marking a substantial victory in safeguarding our housing resources.

Our officer has shown commitment and pursuit of justice, and her expertise has been instrumental in identifying and rectifying instances of housing fraud, ensuring that our housing stock is allocated to those in genuine need.

At Arun District Council, we maintain a zero-tolerance approach towards housing fraud. We firmly believe that households who are on our housing register deserve a chance of securing a suitable home, and fraudulent activities undermine this principle. Therefore, we remain focused on detecting and investigating any suspicious cases of housing fraud, with decisive action taken against perpetrators.

The recovery of these 16 properties not only signifies a triumph over fraudulent practices but also represents a lifeline for 16 households in need of housing. By reclaiming these properties, we have been able to accommodate other households from our housing register, some of whom were facing homelessness. This outcome acknowledges the important role of combating housing fraud activities, which provides safe and stable housing for our residents.

We confirm our commitment to upholding the integrity of our housing stock and ensuring fairness for all. Together, we stand to protect our housing resources and support those most vulnerable in our community.

If you become aware of any properties that require investigation, please email housingfraud@arun.gov.uk