Did you know? National Empty Homes week starts on 4 March 2024 | Latest news


Did you know? National Empty Homes week starts on 4 March 2024

didyouknowemptyhomes Next week is National Empty Homes week 2024! This provides participating councils an opportunity to demonstrate the action they are taking to bring wasted empty homes back into use.

Arun District Council is starting our ‘Unlock the potential” campaign, which will support homeowners in bringing life back to their empty homes.

As we know, there is a housing crisis in the UK and the aim of this project is to give a helping hand to qualifying owners of empty properties.

As part of our campaign, not only will we be sharing information on how you could get help with an empty home, but also how local residents can report empty homes causing concern in our district.

Keep an eye on our posts next week for more info…