Did you know? Changing Places Toilets - changing lives | Latest news


Did you know? Changing Places Toilets - changing lives

CPTs did you know We continue to fulfil our goal by installing Changing Places Toilets in the Arun district with the aim of improving lives through leisure and tourism, making access inclusive to all and to transform the customer experience.

We are happy to share that we have exceeded our original goal of six facilities as The Wave and Arun Leisure Centre have been upgraded, which will make eight CPTs.

Part of the funding for the CPTs was a result of a successful bid the council were awarded to support the cost of these toilets. 

A Changing Places Toilet facility gives anyone who needs it, more space, and the right equipment, including a hoist, a height adjustable changing bed, a peninsular toilet (space either side for a wheelchair or carer) and an adjustable sink. This is a larger than standard accessible toilet with the extra features designed for assisted use, so those with additional needs can change safely and in comfort.

A CPT is available at The Wave, Littlehampton and it has just been officially registered on the following link: Changing Places Toilets (changing-places.org). This link provides details of where you can find such facilities all over the UK.

There are also CPTs at Arun Leisure Centre in Bognor Regis and the Wetlands Centre in Arundel, in Spring 2024 we should have three more, Crown Yard car park in Arundel, Hotham Park and The Street, Rustington. 

For those who may have accessibility issues, we want you to have the opportunity to use our leisure facilities and to visit our lovely district.

For more info on the Changing Places Toilets there are details on the Changing Places website: Changing Places Toilets (changing-places.org)