Council delivers balanced budget | Latest news


Council delivers balanced budget

  Council delivers balanced budget

At a special meeting of the council last evening, Arun District Councillors voted for the proposed budget to take the council through the next financial year.

It was clear to all that this has been a challenging budget to produce, and thanks were given to the Section 151 officer and his team for all the hard work that went into producing this.

Members engaged in lively debate and the budget was approved with 32 votes for and 19 abstentions.

The Leader of the Council, Cllr Matt Stanley delivered the budget speech and highlighted many areas to address.

Cllr Stanley thanked the Chair and stated it was his pleasure to present the first budget of this new council, a budget that belongs to all. Cllr Stanely also thanked all officers and members who have contributed to the budget process.

He continued:

“During the journey of this budget through the committee system we’ve had more briefings, more meetings and more information than ever before. We have even embarked on a public consultation exercise which we will seek to expand in forthcoming years.

“Throughout the development of this budget, councillors have had the opportunity to scrutinise, ask questions and present counter proposals. Members from all sides have chosen to support this budget.

“It is no secret that there are significant challenges impacting the finances of local government, and we at Arun District Council are not immune to that. Coastal communities such as us have been underfunded for years, and in recent years we’ve seen central government move away from providing consistent long-term funding, to a pattern where councils have to use their precious resources developing bids and competing again each other for short term investment. This cannot be a long-term solution to financing frontline community services, and I urge the next government to address this as a matter of urgency.

“That being said, this council faces into the challenges of the day, we have worked together to address internal culture and member behaviour, we’ve relaunched the essential review of our local plan, and we’ve set-up the Arun Flood Forum despite not being the lead authority.

“The budget before us this evening is the fiscally responsible option, this budget tackles our financial challenges by looking at operational savings and managerial reorganisation whilst focusing on preserving community facing services. I want to reaffirm this council is in a good financial position, and I have absolute confidence members will make the right choices.

“I fully appreciate there may be individual items within this budget that in an ideal world members might not support, but we are not in an ideal world. Due to the environment imposed on us, we will have to make some difficult decisions.

“However we also have much to be excited about - we have an ambitious capital programme ahead of us, and are committed to the successful completion of the districts’ levelling up projects - the Alexandra Theatre at Bognor Regis which is the cornerstone of our new cultural strategy and will support the diversification of our local economy, and Littlehampton Seafront Scheme, which alongside the recently completed public realm work, will help provide the town with attractive new opportunities for residents and visitors alike.

“From a housing perspective we are actively seeking and purchasing new properties to provide good quality homes for our community, and we have two projects underway looking to develop brownfield sites, including the Bognor Regis Arcade, providing further quality homes for Arun residents.

“We continue to work with our stakeholders to provide quality leisure facilities across the district, as well as improving and enhancing local play areas. Our commitment to the environment remains steadfast.”

The budget also sets the Council Tax for Arun district residents. The Arun District Council proportion of annual Council Tax on an average Band D property, is £208.39 – an increase of £0.11 pence per week.

The recording of the Special Council meeting and the papers for the meeting can be found on our website: Arun District Council