Big butterfly count 2024 – get involved! | Latest news


Big butterfly count 2024 – get involved!

 Text: The 2024 Big Butterfly Count. Four photos showing different species of butterflies, one brown and white, the others different shades and markings of black, orange and brown.If you are looking for free activities, why not get the kids involved with the Big Butterfly Count? Between Friday 12 July and Sunday 
4 August choose a place to spot butterflies and moths. 

See what you can find whilst visiting our local beaches, parks, and gardens - all you need to do is watch for 15 minutes, then record which species you see. 

Local nature reserves | Arun District Council
Our parks | Arun District Council

Go to Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count online and download a butterfly ID chart, record what you see and enter your results on their website or use their free App.

For more details, and a link to the app click here: Big Butterfly Count (