Arun Warm Spaces – grants available | Latest news


Arun Warm Spaces – grants available

In the centre 'Warm Welcome Spaces' in a white hexagon with small orange and purple hands at the top. Photo of a cream and beige mug and a green and yellow variegated plant in the background.Arun District Council wants to do more to help our communities to address the impact of the  cost of living crisis.

For the last two winters, we have run a grants programme for groups and organisations to deliver warm spaces across Arun to support those in need. This has been successful, and we are pleased to offer a grants programme again this year.

We are asking groups and organisations to support us in delivering spaces across Arun that are open, welcoming for all, accessible, safe and free to our communities to come inside and warm up. We want to ensure that anyone who is cold, knows where they can go to get warm, stay warm and enjoy some company.

The Warm Spaces Grant aims to give groups and organisations some financial support to open their venues up as warm welcome spaces, in addition to their normal activity.

A grant of up to £1000 per warm space is available. This can be used to offset a range of costs for example, energy costs, the cost of refreshments, activity costs, materials needed, or running costs including staff or volunteer costs.

Grants will be awarded to not-for-profit organisations, who own or lease their own building and can deliver a warm welcoming space this winter.

If you feel your organisation could deliver a warm space and would like to apply for the  grant scheme, please email

The deadline for applications is Friday 6 December 2024.