Arun Flood Forum first meeting  | Latest news


Arun Flood Forum first meeting 

Arun Flood Forum first meeting

In response to the impact of Storm Ciaran, climate change, recent flooding in the Arun District, and discussions at the meeting of the Environment Committee in November 2023, the Arun District Council formed the Arun Flood Forum. 

The first meeting of the forum took place on Monday 26 February with further meetings to be scheduled quarterly.

The forum is chaired by an independent professional, and membership consists of representatives from different partners, in accordance with the terms of reference, set for the meeting: Arun District Council, Southern Water, the Environment Agency and West Sussex County Council. This is in addition to four district councillors from flood affected wards, and selected parish councillors, who will be representing their constituents and communities. All other district and Arun-based county councillors have been invited to observe and ask questions. Representatives of other organisations may be invited to sit on the group, if appropriate.   

The main purpose of the forum is to: 

  • understand the issues behind the main flooding events which occurred within the district
  • understand other recent flooding events which have occurred within the district where homes and businesses have been affected
  • to understand the impact development and climate change have both had on these flooding events
  • to make recommendations on practical and deliverable measures to reduce the impact of flooding on the district’s residents, businesses and the environment, and to promote the implementation of permanent and sustainable solutions to mitigate or alleviate flooding
  • The forum will also seek to improve communication between the flood risk management authorities and representatives from flood affected communities
  • To highlight and signpost to residents funding opportunities and help educate residents about what more they can do to protect their own properties 

Cllr Matt Stanley, Leader of Arun District Council said: 
"We are excited about the opportunity this forum presents to engage with key stakeholders about flooding. Although we aren't the lead authority, we are keen to take a pivotal role, collaborating with colleagues in other organisations, to make a difference. 
"For me, this is a chance to have conversations about the solutions and I look forward to seeing the productive and practical ways in which this can help the residents and businesses of Arun in these challenging circumstances."  

The forum will explore the impact that development and climate have had on flooding events and make recommendations on practical and deliverable measures to reduce the impact of flooding on the district’s residents, businesses and the environment, as well as promoting the implementation of permanent and sustainable solutions to reduce flooding. 

Communication is important to us, and as part of their work, the forum will also look at improving communication between the authorities involved in managing flood risk and representatives from flood affected communities.

The forum will look at the best ways to highlight and signpost  residents to funding opportunities and share information with residents about what more they can do to protect their own properties.  

This is quite a ‘to do’ list and the forum aims to be proactive, productive and practical, and will focus on key topics to meet its objectives. 

A report will be taken to the Environment Committee meeting on 19 March with notes from the Flood Forum meeting included.