Alexandra Theatre update
Since our most recent update, our main contractor Neilcott has made the following progress:
- completed the demolition of the north elevation of the theatre, facing onto Belmont Street
- removed the foundations to the north elevation and backfilled to provide stability
- installed steel supports to the ground floor toilets
- completed investigations and the design of a piling mat to ensure sufficient stability and reliability to operate piling rigs and other heavy plant safely
- completed the installation of protective structures to Place Saint-Maur
In the coming weeks, 'enabling' work will continue. This will include:
- installing the designed Piling Mat
- starting to underpin the theatre to strengthen its' foundations (to be implemented subject to ongoing analysis)
We will provide regular updates on the construction work.
For any inquiries regarding the ongoing construction works please contact Arun District Council's community representatives, DevComms, at or on 0800 080 3178.