Additional House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing Scheme set to be introduced | Latest news


Additional House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing Scheme set to be introduced

Text: Arun District Council. Additional House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Licensing Scheme set to be introduced. White background and a blue image of large adjoining block of houses and flats.After public consultation in 2023 a new licencing scheme which aims to provide better homes for private tenants in Arun is set to be introduced next month (1 February 2025).

The new scheme will extend licensing to rented shared houses and flats with three and four occupants in more than one household who share cooking and/or washing and/or toilet facilities, and certain buildings converted into self-contained flats.

It will cover River Ward in Littlehampton and Marine and Hotham Wards in Bognor Regis as data shows that rental properties in these wards have higher levels of disrepair, lower levels of maintenance, a larger number of safety hazards, and poorer overall management.

The licensing scheme allows the council to regulate privately rented and multiple occupation homes so that they are kept safe and are properly managed, ensuring that tenants' rights are protected.

Councillor Sue Wallsgrove, Chair of the Environment Committee, said:

"The scheme aims to improve conditions for tenants and the quality of rental accommodation available in the district and will widen the area of regular inspection beyond the mandatory scheme. National evidence shows that good homes have positive impacts on physical and mental health."

To find out more visit the council website at