80th Anniversary of D-Day | Latest news


80th Anniversary of D-Day

 Text: D-DAY 80 - 6 June 2024. Navy blue background with four poppies in each cornerToday marks the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. 

Hundreds of thousands of brave men took part in D-Day, the largest seaborne invasion in history which took place along the Normandy coast, as France had been occupied by the Nazi’s. This day represented a turning point in World War II and the liberation of Europe.

We remember their courage and heroism and thank them for providing us all with the freedom we have today.

The whole nation will come together this month to ensure the heroic stories of D-Day live on.

The UK Armed Forces and the alliances forged in the Second World War are still vital to European peace and security, 80 years on.

Our Armed Forces continue to operate across the globe, protecting the UK and defending peace around the world.

 For details of events and images, click here: Home Page - Welcome to Defence Imagery, where official Royal Navy, Army, RAF, and Ministry of Defence images and videos are available for download. (mod.uk)

More about D-Day: 10 Facts About D-Day | WW2 | Royal British Legion