Members' allowances

By law, every local authority has to agree a scheme of members' allowances which includes how much money councillors should receive for undertaking their duties. Our rules are set out in part 9 of the council's constitution (which is in the process of being updated). The main elements are a basic allowance, special responsibility allowances and mileage and subsistence rates.

You can view the latest councillor expenses claims on this page.

Arun District Councillors' allowances

We are required to publish details of the payments made to councillors under the Members' Allowances Scheme in respect of the basic allowance, special responsibility allowance, carers' allowance, travel and subsistence allowance and co-optees allowance on an annual basis. We show the latest and previous six years on this page.

Schedule of annual payments to councillors - 2023-2024 [pdf] 284KB

Schedule of annual payments to councillors - 2022-2023[pdf] 553KB

Schedule of annual payments to councillors - 2021-2022[pdf] 215KB

Schedule of annual payments to councillors - 2020-2021[pdf] 145KB

Schedule of annual payments to councillors - 2019-2020[pdf] 690KB

Schedule of annual payments to councillors - 2018-2019[pdf] 525KB

Parish councillors' allowances

New arrangements were introduced in 2003 for the payment of allowances for members of parish councils. The regulations allow parish councils to:

  • choose to pay their members an allowance, known as the 'parish basic allowance' to recognise the time and effort they put into their parish duties
  • choose to pay its members travel and subsistence allowances

Allowances are discretionary and, if paid, they should be based on the recommendations of the Parish Remuneration Panel set up by the district council. Please refer to the Panel's latest report approved by Full Council on 13 March 2024 setting out recommendations in respect of Parish Allowances.

Independent Remuneration Panel Report

We are required to maintain an Independent Remuneration Panel to make recommendations about the allowances to be paid to its members, including the basic allowance, special responsibility allowances, travel and subsistence and carers and co-optee allowances. It consists of representatives from the community and business sector. The latest review undertaken by the Independent Remuneration Panel was approved by Full Council on 13 March 2024. The reports can be accessed here: Microsoft Word - Final Report - Members' Allowances Review ( and Appendix 1 - IRP Report 2023-24.pdf ( Details on the allowances claimed by members can be found in the council's constitution.