Littlehampton Seafront Scheme Update March 2024
Extract from report to Policy and Finance Committee, 7 March 2024
RIBA Stage 4
The project team is finalising the design details and construction drawings in preparation for obtaining a final cost to deliver the scheme. As part of the Stage 4 design the project team are concluding the value engineering process and are working towards achieving the required savings. There are minor changes to the approved design as a result of the value engineering process and therefore a Non-Material Amendment application (NMA) will be submitted. The project team will shortly be submitting information required to discharge the precommencement conditions, including surface drainage details, an archaeological programme and construction management plan. Procurement packages are being issued in phases to seek prices for the work, with over 50% of these packages already sent out to suppliers. Each package will require 3 proposals to be evaluated to ensure ADC receive value for money and each return will be reviewed by both the contractor and consultant team.
Construction phase
The contractor’s construction programme shows that work is expected to commence on site in spring 2024 and is due to be complete by winter 2024/25. Precise dates are still to be confirmed and in the coming weeks the contractor will be engaging with various subcontractors to firm up and finalise the construction programme, which could result in some minor adjustments to the detail. The phasing of the project has been planned to deliver the scheme as quickly as possible and where possible mitigation measures have tried to minimise disruption to visitors. There will be a range of challenges for the construction team and stakeholders to work through as the project is delivered. Temporary facilities have been allowed for during the works to enable the provision of public toilets, accommodation for the Foreshore service and a store for the land train. Locations have been selected which allow these to continue to operate with minimal disruption.
The project is expected to be delivered as follows:
- Phase 1: Demolition of toilet block and commencement of new building(s) service and drainage diversions, commencement of new facilities in activity hub and marketplace at Banjo Road.
- Phase 2: Utilities service works, completion of new toilet block and new facilities in activity hub/marketplace, improvements to car park and creation of new entrance.
The contractor will be using a small section of the West Green car park as a temporary site compound during the first phase of works and will then utilise Banjo Road during the subsequent phases.
The phasing of the works will ensure that the majority of West Green car park is available for the summer season. Later in the year parking will become more limited but, weather permitting, additional overflow car parking provision could be made available to increase capacity.
During the construction phase coach parking will not be available in Banjo Road. Coaches will be able to drop and collect passengers at the bus stop in South Terrace and will be sign posted to park elsewhere. Signage has already been displayed on site to give advanced warning to coaches prior to works commencing. Contact will also be made with known coach companies to share this information.
Applications for events on the seafront area are being reviewed and officers will work with event organisers to minimise any required changes to proposed layouts. The safety of visitors and those attending events will be a priority.
The project team are working to ensure that stakeholders are kept informed about the progress of the project.
Before construction commences:
- Notification of potential disruption or temporary changes to existing services to be displayed on site and circulated to relevant stakeholders.
- Messaging to be included on the council’s website and social media posts.
- Letters sent to residents.
- Meet the contractor forum arranged.
During the works:
- Progress updates to Members.
- Links to the project website for information about the project to be displayed on site.
- Website to include progress updates.
- Signage to identify pedestrian routes.
When the contractor is working on site it is extremely important that they do not receive what could be perceived as instructions from anyone other than the appointed project managers. This could result in delays and have cost implications. Conversations with site personnel can also lead to incorrect information being circulated which wastes time while this is addressed.
Interest in the project is understandable and information will be available on the council’s website. There will be a contact email address for people who have specific queries or concerns.
Next steps
The project team will obtain a final cost for constructing the scheme and finalise preparations for the construction phase.
The following table summarises the expected project programme:
RIBA 1/2: Survey work, concept design, public consultation |
Complete |
RIBA 3: Framework tender to procure design and build contractor, detailed design, planning application |
Complete |
RIBA 4: Technical design, construction tender process |
Early 2024 |
RIBA 5: Construction phase |
Spring 2024 – Winter 2024/25 |