Landlord Portal user guide

The Landlord Portal is for landlords and agents to view details of all Housing Benefit awards that are paid directly to them.  

Using the portal, you can:  

  • search and check for payments made  

  • view individual payment transactions included in the overall payment  

  • search for one or many claims 

  • view details of the current weekly Housing Benefit entitlement 

  • see the status of a claim - including whether it is live or suspended  

  • see details of payments made - including any recovery for overpayments  

  • tell us of any changes in your tenants' circumstances that may affect their claim 

  • view and save notification letters  

  • load documents as evidence of changes 

Getting started

When you register for the Landlord Portal you will receive 2 emails. The first email will include your username and a link to the portal.  

The second email will include your password.  

Use these details to log into the portal for the first time. You can then change your password to something more memorable.  

Once you have activated your account you can access the portal through the link on our landlords' page or by selecting the link below. 

Sign in to the Landlords' Portal

This takes you to the sign-in page. Enter your username and password and select Sign in.  

If you forget your password, select forgotten your password?  

Once you have selected Sign in you will be sent an online key to the email address you provided when registering for the portal.  

You’ll be prompted to enter the online key before you can proceed – you can copy and paste this from the email. 

Once you are signed in, you will see various options:  

Log out

Use this to log out of the portal.

My Profile

Use this to update the email address and phone number that we have for you. You can also change your password here.  


This will tell you when there are claim notification letters available for you to view, for example, entitlement changes.  


Here you will see any general information that we want to pass on to you. 

The following options are then available: 

Buttons on the Landlord Portal: view payments, view claims and Get in touch.

View payments

A summary of your recent payments will show automatically. You can then use the search fields if you want to look at payments from the past. 

Summary of recent payments from the Landlord Portal screen

If you select the amount figure you can see the individual payments that make up the total amount paid. 

If you have more than one tenant who receives benefit you will see the details of each tenants benefit, including any recovery for overpaid Housing Benefit. 

If any of your tenants get Discretionary Housing Payments this will also be shown here. 

If you want a paper copy select the print payment results link at the bottom. 

If you want to save the information to a spreadsheet select the export to csv option. 

View claims

You can search for the claim details of your tenants by putting in their Housing Benefit reference number. If you do not know their reference number, you can search by name or address. If you only have a few tenants who get Housing Benefit just select the Search button and a list of all your tenants will be displayed. 

Your claims homepage screen

Once you have selected your tenants’ reference number a summary of their details is displayed: 

Summary of tenants' details screen

You can see their claim status, Housing Benefit award and any Discretionary Housing Payments they receive. 

You can also see: 

  • the amount and the date of the next payment that will be sent to you
  • any outstanding overpayments for the tenant

Other options

There are 4 more options available: 

Other options buttons on Landlord Portal: view entitlements, view payments, view letters and get in touch.

View entitlements

This shows the amount of Housing Benefit your tenant is entitled to. You can also see historic entitlements, details of any changes and the date their claim was last assessed. If a change has only just been made you will see the date and the new entitlement information. 

View payments

This shows the 10 most recent payments made to you by the selected tenant. If you want to see other payment information you can use the search fields to show payments for whichever timeframe you require. 

View letters

This lets you see all the notification letters that have been issued to you about your tenants' Housing Benefit award. The letters will only be available from the date you activated your Landlord Portal account so historic letters will not be available. You can print or save these letters for your records. 

Get in touch

You can use this option to tell us about any changes in your tenants’ circumstances that might affect their benefit. For example, if a tenant has moved out.  

If you have a specific enquiry about a payment or if you have a general question you want to ask you can also use this facility. If you need a reply or we need to contact you for more information one of our benefit assessors will call, email or write to you.  

Choose an option from the dropdown list What do you want to tell us about? Pick the description that is closest to what you want to tell us. You will then be asked to give us more information about the change. The information will be different for each reason.  

You will be able to upload documents as evidence of the changes you are reporting by selecting Upload your documents.  

Once you have completed all the required fields for the change you are reporting you can send them through to us by selecting the send notification button.  

You will get an automatic email to confirm that we have received your message. 

All of the screenshots and examples used in this guide are fictional.