House to house collections

You must get a licence if you want to collect money or goods from people’s home for charity.

If you are a small local charity or local group please note that you will require this type of licence if intending to collect ‘door to door’. If collecting in a street and not requesting donations by visiting each premises, a street collection permit may be required. Please contact a member of the licensing team via email at if you are in doubt as to which licence or permit you need.

You must apply one month before you plan to start collecting.

You can only undertake collections during the hours listed on the licence.

You must include the names of any people who will be collecting on behalf of the charity or organisation. These are known as the authorised collectors. You must include your own name if you’re planning to be an authorised collector.

You don’t have to pay for a house to house collection permit.

Many national charities have Home Office orders of exemption which allow them to carry out their collections throughout the country without needing a licence from the local council. If your charity holds an exemption, you will still need to make an application but there is a question you choose on the form.

We only allow one collection in an area at a time.

Charities must give us their charity registration number and we may check their details with the Charity Commissioner.

After the licence is granted we will issue you with a form which you will need to send to Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) to apply for certificates of authority and a badge which must be issued to every collector taking part in the collection.


After selecting the button below you'll need to:

  1. Create an account if you do not already have one.
  2. Select licensing.
  3. Select apply for a licence.
  4. Select charitable collections.
  5. Select house to house collection.
  6. Select house to house collection licence.
  7. Follow the onscreen instructions.

Apply for a house to house collection permit

Submit your statement of return

One month after the collection, you must submit a statement giving details of the proceeds of the collection.

Submit your house to house statement of return