Green Flag Awards
Our Green Flag Awards
The Green Flag Award was launched in 1996 to showcase the best parks in the country. It is the national standard for parks and green spaces across the UK.
We are proud to have 6 Green Flag Award winning parks:
You can read more about these parks on our parks page.
How the awards are judged
The aim of the Green Flag Award is to ensure that everyone has access to a quality green space and to enable them to live more healthy lifestyles.
Green Flag Awards are awarded to parks and green spaces based on the following criteria.
- A welcoming place
- Healthy, safe and secure
- Well maintained and clean
- Environmental management
- Biodiversity, landscape and heritage
- Community involvement
- Marketing communication
- Management
Visit the Green Flag Award judging criteria to see the details that the judges look for.
For more information on our Green Flag Awards, contact our parks team.
Phone 01903 737951