Preventing fraud is extremely important, as every pound lost through fraud in the public sector directly means that there is less money available to help provide vital services for residents and businesses in our area. We have a zero tolerance policy towards fraud.
The government is committed to the reduction of fraud in the public sector with its 2020 strategy: Fighting Fraud and Corruption Locally | CIPFA.
If you suspect someone is involved in benefit, council tax or housing fraud you can report it and this can be anonymously if you prefer not to give your details. The information below tells you how to report each type of fraud.
Benefit fraud
Benefit fraud happens when someone is dishonest in order to claim benefits, or deliberately doesn't report a change in their circumstances. Examples include when someone:
- works but doesn't declare this when they make their claim
- does not tell us the full amount of income, savings or capital that they have when they claim
- does not update us about a change of circumstance that may affect an existing claim
You can report a suspected benefit fraud online without giving your details.
Report benefit fraud on
You can also phone the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854440.
Council Tax fraud
Council tax fraud happens when someone gives false information to avoid paying the correct amount of council tax.
Examples include someone:
- claiming a single person discount when they live with a partner
- claiming that their property is unoccupied and unfurnished
- not letting us know about change in circumstances
To report suspected council tax fraud please email details of the suspected fraud to or by calling 01903 737752.
Housing fraud
We are working to stop housing fraud to make sure that homes are fairly given to the people who need them.
Housing fraud includes:
- providing incorrect information on a housing tenancy application
- claiming to live at a council property when you live elsewhere
- sub-letting a council property to someone else without permission
- living in a property after someone has died without the right to do so
We will investigate all reports of housing fraud, and take action against offenders, including civil action to repossess a property. Anyone who has made money from unlawful subletting will be made to pay this back if they are convicted.
You can report suspected housing fraud to us by emailing or calling 01903 737732. We will ask for some information from you, but we will never disclose who reports fraud to us. Please also read our privacy notice on housing fraud.