Childminders or nurseries will be registered using the details provided to Ofsted. You will not have to register with us separately.
After adding you to our register we will carry out a food inspection within 8 weeks. This will be unannounced unless your food business is run from a private address.
You can continue running your food business while waiting for the inspection appointment.
All new applications for registration will become void if the new business does not start within three months. After this time a new application will be required.
All food you sell or supply must meet strict legal standards. You can read the regulations for more information on these legal standards.
Register your food business
Making changes to a registration
You can make any changes to a food business registration by selecting the button below and then following any onscreen instructions.
Report a change to an existing food business
Helping you meet the standards
We can offer extra advice to help you meet the standards. There is a fee for this service.
You'll need to register on our online portal.
Request advice on how to get a good rating
Getting approval
If your business involves handling meat, fish, egg or dairy products you must be inspected and you may need approval from us.
Check to see if your business needs approval.
Approval is free of charge.