Equality and diversity

Equality and diversity is important to us and we are committed to making sure that people are treated fairly and with dignity. Our aim is to remove unnecessary barriers for everyone who works for us or uses our services.

We are committed to enhancing the quality of life in our area by improving the wellbeing of all of its people, in all communities, by putting people and communities at the heart of everything we do.

This page outlines some of the things we do to promote equality and contains a number of reports and statistics.

Disabled access guides from AccessAble

We work with AccessAble to produce detailed access guides for our area. The guides provide detailed guided maps for popular pedestrian routes, and detailed accessibility information for venues such as libraries, council buildings and tourist destinations. The guides are free to download and use and can assist people when planning trips within the area.

Translation services from Vandu Language Services

If you call us on one of our contact numbers, we are able to join a conference call with translation providers who can help us communicate with you. Please note this service is only available if you call us; currently we are not able to call you back using the translation facility.

Working for us

Arun has a commitment to equality in employment. If you have a disability which makes it difficult to complete our application form, our HR team will assist you with your application. You can view a list of vacancies on our jobs page.

Our employees

The documents below give detailed information about our employee profiles.

Gender Pay Data as of 31 March 2023

Equalities monitoring report 2022 to 2023

Please see below a copy of our Facility Time Reporting 

Facility Time Reporting for 2022 to 2023

Policies, procedures and statements