Discounts for disabled people

If someone living at your address is permanently disabled, you may be able to get a discount on your Council Tax.

One of the following must apply for a discount to be granted:

  • the disabled person uses a wheelchair indoors
  • the property has a second bathroom ( must include a toilet, washbasin, bath or shower) or kitchen for the use of the person with the disability.
  • a room in the property is used for a special purpose for example dialysis

Things like stairlifts, handrails and other fixtures on their own do not qualify for the reduction.

If the reduction is granted the Council Tax for the property will be charged at the rate of the band below it.

For example if the property is a band C then the Council Tax payable will be at the band B rate. A discount is also available for band A properties. The discount will remain in place while the disabled person occupies the property as their main home. 

Apply for the disabled persons discount

After we have received your application a Revenues Inspector will contact you to make an appointment to visit you in your home