Council Tax Reduction

Council Tax Reduction (also known as Council Tax support) is a discount that helps people who are on a low income or claiming certain benefits to pay their Council Tax.

The size of the discount will depend on your weekly income (including Universal Credit). We will review your claim details from time to time and ask you to supply documents such as bank statements or pay slips. As a result, your award could change.

You can claim the discount if you are of working age or pension age but the eligibility rules are different for each group.

We cannot backdate awards for working age claimants so you must make your claim promptly.

You cannot claim Council Tax Reduction on a second home.

For more information see our Full scheme rules (council tax reduction).pdf[pdf] 1MB

You may be eligible for Council Tax Reduction if all the below apply and you:

  • live in the UK
  • pay Council Tax
  • are on a low income
  • have less than £16,000 in savings, investments or property (other than the home you live in) unless you are receiving the guarantee part of Pension Credit

To find out if you would be entitled to Council Tax Reduction visit Citizens Advice.

Apply for Council Tax Reduction 

You will need to select the link Make a new claim and then follow the onscreen instructions. If you are unable to complete the form yourself, you can ask a friend or relative to help you. If you cannot complete the form online and have nobody to help you do so, please call 01903 737753 and we will arrange for someone to call you within a week to help you claim.

If you are not eligible for Council Tax Reduction you may be able to apply for second adult rebate.

You may be eligible for Council Tax Reduction if all the below apply and you:

  • live in the UK
  • pay Council Tax
  • have less than £6,000 in savings, investments or property (other than the home you live in)
  • a weekly income below the Band E amounts listed below

If you claim Universal Credit

You can apply for Council Tax Reduction if you're on Universal Credit but the award is counted as income.

If you have only just claimed Universal Credit and you have received your salary for the first month of the claim, then that amount must be counted and you may not qualify for Council Tax Reduction until the following month.

These are the Government regulations and we are unable to make changes to these.

How much will I get

The reduction you receive is based on your weekly income.

How much I will get

Weekly income

Income band

% Council Tax Reduction

£0 to £215.99

(from 1st April 2025 £0-£219.99)



£216 to £274.99

(from 1st April 2025 £220-£279.99)



£275 to £339.99

(from 1st April 2025 £280-£345.99)



£340 to £398.99

(from 1st April 2025 £346-£405.99)



£399 to £462.99

(from 1st April 2025 £406-£470.99)



You will not get any Council Tax Reduction if your entitlement is less than £5 per week. 

Awards start the Monday after we receive your claim. We cannot backdate any award unless you are newly liable for Council Tax in Arun and claim within a month of being made liable; OR you make your claim within one month of claiming Universal Credit.

Full details of policy for working age claimants is available on request.

Apply for Council Tax Reduction

You will need to select the link Make a new claim and then follow the onscreen instructions. If you are unable to complete the form yourself, you can ask a friend or relative to help you. If you cannot complete the form online and have nobody to help you do so, please call 01903 737753 and we will arrange for someone to call you within a week to help you claim.

You can only claim CTR-DA if you already claim Council Tax Reduction (CTR).

If you are in severe financial difficulty and you already receive Council Tax Reduction (CTR) you can apply for CTR-DA. CTR-DA can cover the shortfall between your CTR and your weekly Council Tax charge.

Council Tax Discretionary Relief policy.

To apply

You'll need:

  • your CTR claim number
  • both your and your partners' weekly net pay
  • any other benefit income details (if applicable)
  • any pension income details (if applicable)
  • details of maintenance payments (if applicable)
  • details of your weekly expenditure (including bills, loans, credit cards, maintenance paid, food shopping)
Only apply if you already claim Council Tax Reduction.

Apply for CTDR