Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct applies to all councillors and voting co-opted members of the council when they are acting in their official capacity. It does not apply to them in their private and personal lives.

Members' Code of Conduct

We adopted a new Members' Code of Conduct 2021 on 24 March 2021 (meeting resumed from 17 March 2021). This sets out how a councillor (known as a 'member') should behave when carrying out his/her duty as a councillor for Arun District Council. However, we have no authority to deal with complaints that relate solely to a councillor’s private life or things they do that are not related to their role as a councillor. All councillors have agreed to sign up to this code and to complete a new Register of Interests showing any interests that they have. Please see our Register of Members' Interests page for more information.

For details of codes of conduct for town and parish councils, please visit their websites or contact the relevant parish clerk to find out more.


If you believe that a member has broken the code, you can make a complaint. 

We have a complaints procedure for dealing with complaints against Arun District councillors and complaints against parish and town councillors within the district of Arun. This is called the Local Assessment Procedure.

Make a complaint

What happens next

Your complaint will be coordinated by the monitoring officer and their team, who will get in touch with you to discuss the next steps.

Listed below are the decision notices with details of the outcome of complaints that have been taken forward to a Standards Committee Hearings Panel, as described in the Local Assessment Procedure.

Current complaints
Name of councillor Council Decision Expires Full details

No decisions at this time