Outline Planning Approval for up to 300 dwellings & ancillary development.

The approval comprises the following details:
Commercial buildings of up to 875 square metres net
Shops with a floor area of up to 530 sq. metres net
Highway junction & footpath improvements
Public transport
Open space, Village green, trees & landscaping.

The Site
The site subject to this application comprises of 21.6 Hectares of land situated to the
south of the Horsemere Green Lane Character Area and north of the A259 as demonstrated on the plan below.

Existing tree belts frame the site to the southern and western boundaries with existing residential
framing the site to the north. Church Lane bounds the site to the east.
The development area lies within a very low risk area of flooding based on the Environment Agency Flood Zone system.
Illustrative master map
Please note this map may incur changes when the detailed plans of the development are received. This will be called the Reserved Matters Application.

Community Building
Land has been made available at the centre of the development for a new community building and car parking. The building will form a focal point for the development with excellent pedestrian links to the proposed and existing residential areas.
Shop with Possible Offices Above
Located at the site entrance, close to Church Lane and the A259 to serve the community.
Church Farm Area
Church Farm is a listed building and local development which is part of a cluster of ‘traditional Clymping’ close to the junction of Church Lane and Horsemere Green. The buildings are surrounded by mature trees which will be added to by the planting of additional buffer planting of approximately 10 metres in width. New built development will be in excess of 50m from existing buildings.
Development of up to 300 houses to be clustered around the village green and site access routes. Affordable housing would be provided across the site in accordance with the policy requirement for 30%.
Church Lane Frontage
Development set back by 30m to provide a green frontage. This will allow a new footway to be provided behind the existing hedge and trees, retaining the character of the Lane which is typical of the area.
Surface water swales could also be provided.
Village Green
The heart of the development will be focused on a village green with an equipped children’s play space and pond.
Semi-natural Greenspace
The majority of the land to the west of the site will be dedicated as semi-natural greenspace.
Proposals include: Wetland, Meadow and extended woodland areas.
Existing tree belts
The existing tree belts to the perimeter of the site are to be retained and extended.
There are Highway Improvements to the existing Clymping Roundabout, A new footpath towards the school & New access onto Horsemere Green Lane.
Church Lane Junction Improvements
Land is to be made available for improvements to the junction of Church Lane and Crookthorn Lane (A259) and Yapton Road and Crookthorn Lane (A259), these will include new pedestrian crossing facilities to improve links to St Mary’s C of E School and the Village Hall.
Pedestrian Routes
A network of footpaths will provide open access across the site connecting different parts of the village and facilities including the school.
This includes the potential opportunity to create a more direct route for cyclists within the development.
Access onto Horsemere Green Lane
To the north of the site will be a new access created for vehicles to enter/exit the development onto Horsemere Green Lane.