The project title of Bersted Brooks Park…wildspace on your doorstep is accompanied by an image of a wetland scene with tree and shrub planting either side of a river and reed planting and a kingfisher in the foreground.
The consultation board has a title of existing conditions and shows a plan of the existing site, a project timeline, quotes from the resident survey and photographs of different parts of the site.
The design and consultation process
The potential to improve Bersted Brooks and Bersted Park and distinguish their contribution as valuable open spaces is being explored and developed. This board shows a site analysis which guides the development of the ideas on the emerging concept boards.
Project timeline
A timeline for the project is broken down into 4 sections:
1. Site and baseline analysis. Bersted Brooks and Park are identified for improvement.
2. Stakeholder consultation and correspondence. One to one meetings were offered to stakeholders who couldn’t attend the initial event.
3. Public consultation has included the resident survey and the consultation event. We are currently at this stage.
4. Outline masterplan development. This will involve the production of an outline masterplan which will identify phases of delivery and next steps.
Speech bubbles have been included to summarise what has been said so far
“I love my walks with my children to teach them about wildlife and the environment.”
“I live here. I don’t want more visitors parking outside my house and compromising my privacy.”
“Let nature do its thing. Just make sure the park is accessible.”
“What happens to the maintenance we pay for living at Bersted Park now?”
“We’d like to see more opportunities for youth support and engagement.”
“The flooding makes large parts of the park inaccessible for significant parts of the year.”
Key challenge photo – Flooding and future adaptability; doing nothing is not an option. Photo by Keir Greenway (17 Nov 2022)
Aerial photo of the roundabout on the North Bersted bypass (A259) Rowan Way and the flooded fields of Bersted Brooks local nature reserve and the surrounding agricultural land to the north.
Main map
A satellite image of Bersted Brooks local nature reserve and Bersted Park shows areas of formal and semi-natural open space, the Aldingbourne Rife and streams crossing the site. Bersted Park lake is shown on the western edge, and the car park at Bersted Brooks is shown on the eastern edge. Saltbox industrial estate is shown to the north of the project area. The North Bersted bypass (A259) Rowan Way runs through the centre of the project area, with Bersted Park to the south and Bersted Brooks to the north.
Description of photographs on Board 1
A – Car park – Community Centre
Side view of Bersted Community Centre building and a row of parked cars in the spaces next to the building.
B – Car Park – Bersted Brooks
The car park at Bersted Brooks local nature reserve showing many water-filled potholes.
C – Play Area – Community Centre
Landscape view across the grass to Bersted Park skate park, showing the fenced games area and Bersted Community Centre in the background.
D – Play Area – Liberty Gardens
Play equipment set in a bark pit including timber swings and timber log climbing unit.
1 – Bersted Park Lake - view from western end looking east
A muddy pathway with bare trees and hedgerows to one side and the wetland grasses and reeds of the lake to the other side.
2 – Bersted Park Lake - view from eastern end looking west
An area of overgrown reeds and vegetation, with fencing in the foreground and the watercourse and surrounding trees in the distance.
3 – Berry Lane Meadow, semi-natural open space
Mown grass pathways crossing patches of uncut grassland and the housing of Bersted Park in the background.
4 – Village Green - Trim trail equipment and formal paths
Timber trim trail equipment on the grass in the background with a tarmac pathway that splits in two in the foreground.
5 – Village Green - southern end / Berry Lane
Two timber benches next to a tarmac pathway amongst trees and mown grass at Bersted Park.
6 – Village Green - Southern End / Berry Lane
The grass field south of the Community Centre with a gravel pathway that crosses the grass and trees in the distance.
7 – Western Field Meadows
Landscape view across open fields with hedgerows and trees running across areas of semi-natural grassland.
8 – WW2 Pillbox
A red brick pill box amongst overgrown vegetation with a mud track running in front.
9 – Northerly view from Senior Sports Pitches
Landscape view of a flat grass sports pitch with trees and hedgerows in the distance.
10 – Northerly view across A259 crossing to Shripney Lane
Pedestrian refuge island on the A259 with plastic bollards on either side.
11 – Eastern Fields, between Rowan Way and Shripney Lane
A timber bridge amongst overgrown reeds and grass, with housing in the distance.
12 – Land West of Shripney Lane
A metal bridge barrier amongst overgrown wetland grasses and reeds.
13 – Bersted Brooks - Western End
Landscape view across a semi-natural open grass field with hedgerows and trees on the left-hand side.
14 – Aldingbourne Rife
The watercourse with overgrown wetland grasses and reeds in the background and semi-natural grassland in the foreground.
15 – Bersted Brooks - Eastern End
A mud pathway running across open grassland with bare trees and overgrown vegetation to the right-hand side.