Bedroom tax
The bedroom tax is also known as the under-occupancy charge or spare room subsidy.
You'll get less in Housing Benefit or the housing costs element of Universal Credit if you live in a housing association or council property and you have one or more spare bedrooms.
If you have one spare room, then a 14% reduction is applied to your benefit.
If you have 2 or more spare bedrooms then this is a 25% reduction in benefit.
You will not be affected if:
- you live in a one-bedroom flat or bedsit
- you or your partner are old enough to receive pension credits
- your spare room is used by students or members of the armed or reserve forces who are away and intend to return home
The following are expected to share a bedroom:
- an adult couple
- 2 children under 10 regardless of sex
- 2 children under 16 of the same sex
The rules will apply even if the main residence of your children is another address, but you have a spare room for when they stay with you
The following can have their own bedroom:
- a single adult (aged 16 or over)
- a child that would normally share but shared bedrooms are already taken, for example you have 3 children and 2 already share
- children who are unable to share due to severe disabilities
- a carer (or team of carers) who do not live with you but provide overnight care
One spare bedroom is allowed for:
- a couple who are unable to share a bedroom due to severe disabilities
- an approved foster carer who is between placements but only up to 52 weeks from the end of the last placement
- a newly approved foster carer up to 52 weeks from the date of approval if no child is placed with them during that time