Arun Growth Deal 2024-2029
The Arun Growth Deal is a partnership between Arun District Council (ADC) and West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Our joint aim is to enhance Arun’s economy and support sustainable economic growth. As the first Growth Deal reaches the end of its five-year term, there is an opportunity to reflect and re-centre our collective focus.
The previous Growth Deal partnership supported and successfully bid for grants and funding and attracted significant investment from various funding sources. Consequently, the programme supported multiple projects across the district, spanning a range of themes, such as Bognor Regis Place Branding, The Track, Place St Maur, and Littlehampton Town Centre Public Realm Improvements.
Since the previous Growth Deal was signed in 2018, the country has faced unique social, environmental, political and economic challenges. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, town centres and businesses require greater support to recover and organisations have been forced to review how they operate. Businesses are adopting new, flexible working arrangements and the importance of digital connectivity has never been greater. The climate crisis requires a change in behaviours and for local authorities to promote carbon-efficient strategies such as enhancing sustainable transport and examining its assets. The new Growth Deal provides an opportunity to pool resources and funding to build momentum and sustain economic growth in Arun.
Therefore, a refreshed Growth Deal that prioritises investment in growth activities based on shared principles has been agreed by ADC and WSCC. The refreshed deal will encourage sustainable growth through the coordination of effort and resources enabling Arun to continue to attract investment, visitors, businesses and residents wishing to live in the district.
Identifying opportunities and risks derived from core challenges, including using key data insights, forms the basis for the new deal. The Arun Growth Deal 2024-29 will support residents and businesses to navigate the continued COVID-19 recovery, economic challenges and environmental pressures. The partnership will respond to this need in line with wider strategies laid out in both council plans with a series of interconnected projects outlined in Appendix A.
Documents, plans and strategies that have informed this approach include:
- Central Government initiatives such as ‘Build back better’ (2021), ‘Levelling up the UK’ and ‘Bus back better’ (2021)
- WSCC Our Council Plan 2021-25 priorities
- WSCC Economy Plan 2020-24 priorities
- Arun Council Vision 2022-26
- Arun Local Plan 2018
- Arun Economic Development Strategy 2020-2025
- Arun Visitor Strategy 2023 -2028
- ADC Carbon Neutral Strategy
Cllr Steve Waight, WSCC Cabinet Member for Support Services and Economic Development quotes: “Arun represents a significant and exciting opportunity for sustainable growth. Working in partnership will maximise opportunities for attracting investment and improving the quality of life for residents and visitors.’’
Cllr Matt Stanley, Leader of Arun District Council quotes: “Our vision for Arun is to create a dynamic, competitive, and sustainable place to live, work and do business. Arun has attracted significant funding to support economic growth and we want this to continue. We recognise that working in partnership is the best way to create a dynamic new future and this document sets out clearly our shared vision for Arun and how we can work together to achieve this.’’
The Arun Growth Deal is a partnership between Arun District Council (ADC) and West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Our shared aim is to create better places for our residents by using public resources and assets more effectively and efficiently to support sustainable economic growth in Arun District.
Set within the context of great uncertainty from the ongoing cost of living crisis and economic and environmental conditions, the deal sets out shared principles for working collaboratively with public sector partners to deliver the best value for West Sussex residents.
Engagement on the Growth Deal has been held with cabinet members from WSCC and ADC political leaders. Briefings have been held during the last year keeping members informed about the developing Growth Deal.
Growth Deal agreement
Arun District Council
West Sussex County Council
Steve Waight (Cabinet Member for Support Services and Economic Growth, WSCC)
Becky Shaw (Chief Executive Officer, WSCC)