Arun District Council Health and Safety Policy Statement
This Health and Safety Policy Statement and the Organisation and Arrangements sections that support the Statement will be reviewed at least annually or more frequently where there have been changes to the organisation or the nature of the organisation’s activities.
- The Corporate Management Team (CMT) is firmly committed to doing all that is reasonably practicable to protect the health, safety and welfare of our employees and any other person affected by our activities through applying the high standards set out within this policy.
- The Corporate Management Team, led by the Chief Executive has overall responsibility for ensuring that we maintain high standards of health and safety. However, we rely on all our Senior Management Team (SMT), employees and subcontractors to play their part in implementing our health and safety policy and drawing to our attention, areas in which we can improve. Arun District Councils work activities are mainly office based but also include many diverse activities that are higher risk including tree felling, operation of plant and equipment, front line staff dealing with members of the public in a variety of environments etc. Our premises are shared with other organisations. Many services are conducted via contractors or business partners. It is a priority for us to ensure that we select only competent contractors/partners and monitor the health and safety standards of their work and workmanship.
- The Corporate and Senior Management teams will take all reasonably practicable steps to:
- Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment including safe access arrangements and suitable welfare facilities.
- Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely, including displaying a copy of this policy on the intranet and at each workplace, drawing the policy to the attention of new starters.
- Undertake risk assessments, implement the identified control measures and ensure that safe systems of work are applied in relation to all our activities.
- Ensure that all vehicles and work equipment are suitable for purpose and properly maintained.
- Minimise the use of hazardous or dangerous substances and where their use cannot be eliminated, implement suitable controls.
- Make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and supervise their use.
- Take steps to assess the competence of any contractor we engage and to ensure that information is exchanged on matters relevant to health and safety.
- Be prepared for emergencies such as fire and medical emergencies and investigate all incidents of injury or ill health.
- Promote a positive health and safety culture within the organisation, by Directors and Managers, consulting with employees on health and safety matters, directly and through safety representatives appointed by Unison.
- Arun District Council is committed to ensuring that the implementation of the health and safety management system is adequately resourced to enable the full implementation of this policy. This commitment includes the provision of sufficient financial resources, management and employee time, training and health and safety advisory support. The organisation appoints a combination of internal and external specialists to provide competent health and safety advice.
- It is the responsibility of the Chief Executive to monitor the implementation of this policy and the company’s overall health and safety performance by receiving regular health and safety reports through the Joint Staff Safety Panel.
Philippa Dart
Interim Chief Executive and Director of Environment and Communities
Karl Roberts
Interim Chief Executive and Director of Growth