Affordable housing policy AH SP2
- For all developments of 11 residential units or more we will require a minimum 30% of the total number of units proposed on site to be provided as affordable housing.
Where it can be proven that 30% affordable housing provision is not viable, then a reduction in the amount of affordable housing on a site or off-site provision as part of another development within the Arun district may be considered.
The provision of affordable housing on a site at less than 30% or an alternative site or by way of a commuted sum will only be allowed in very exceptional circumstances and if supported by robust evidence including, where appropriate, viability evidence.
In these cases we will use an independent assessor, Dixon Searle Partnership, to appraise the evidence provided. This will be at the cost of the applicant. Please note that we may publish developer viability appraisals in full on our website if the application fails to meet our affordable housing policy requirements.
We will negotiate the affordable housing tenure mix on development sites from an initial position of 75% rent and 25% intermediate housing.
Affordable housing must be visually indistinguishable from market housing with large groupings of single tenure dwellings or property types avoided. Affordable housing units shall be permitted in small clusters throughout development schemes.
The affordable dwelling mix should comprise of the following range of homes unless evidence indicates otherwise:
- 1 bedroom 35 to 40%
- 2 Bedroom 35 to 40%
- 3 Bedroom 15 to 20%
- 4+ Bedroom 5 to 10%
Provision of affordable housing can be by either a preferred registered provider, an affordable housing provider such as a Community Land Trust (CLT) or by Arun District Council. All providers will be required to sign and adhere to the principles of our Developer and Partner Charter Plus.
Affordable housing will be made available for households on our housing register or for affordable ownership through the government's affordable home ownership schemes. Nominations will be made by us from these registers.
All planning applications that include residential development, either in whole or in part, must include an affordable housing statement.