Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document (DPD)

The council is required to plan for the needs of Gypsy and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople in accordance with government guidance.  Within Local Plan policy H SP5 committed to producing a Gypsy & Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations document.  This page therefore sets out all the steps taken to produce this. 

Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document (G&T DPD) - Publication  - Regulation 19 Consultation

We are preparing the above G&T DPD - Publication under Regulation 19 of the ‘Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulation 2012’). The G&T DPD Publication is being considered at Planning Policy Committee on 28 November 2023.

A public consultation is now being held for 8 weeks until the morning of 7 February 2024. 

At ‘publication’ stage, representations can only be made on legal and soundness matters. The consultation includes the policies map at a district level, inset maps, sustainability appraisal, and existing and new supporting evidence studies also listed together with the Publication G&T DPD below.

The preferred response method is through our consultation portal. This increases the accuracy of information entered and analysis of responses. 

View documents and respond online

G&T Regulation 19 Publication DPD - Gypsy and Traveller and Traveller Showpeople Development Plan Document (G&T DPD)

G&T Regulation 19 Publication DPD - Gypsy and Traveller and Traveller Showpeople Development Plan Document (G&T DPD) [pdf] 913KB

G&T Regulation 19 Response Form [pdf] 191KB

G&T Regulation 19 FAQs [pdf] 225KB

G&T DPD Sustainability Appraisal (Volume 1 - Non Technical Summary) 2023 [pdf] 3MB

G&T DPD Sustainability Appraisal (Volume 2) 2023 [pdf] 5MB

G&T Polices Map Reg 19 (with Insets) [pdf] 12MB

Proposed Submission Policy Map (changes) [pdf] 13MB

Proposed Submission Map schedule of changes [xlsx] 21KB

Inset_ARU044_2 Wydnham Acres [pdf] 2MB

Inset_ARU_NS_1 The Caravan Site [pdf] 3MB

Inset_ARU022 The Drive [pdf] 2MB

Inset_ARU052 The Cottage Piggeries [pdf] 1MB

Inset_ARU_HELAA -46b Little Meadow [pdf] 950KB

Inset_ARU030 Ryebank [pdf] 897KB

Inset_ARU031 Field View [pdf] 1MB

Inset_ARU046 Nyton Stables [pdf] 752KB

Inset_AL4714 Land at Aldingbourne Farm Shop [pdf] 902KB

Inset_ARU049 Land at Limmer Pond [pdf] 1011KB

Inset_ARU045_The Paddocks [pdf] 913KB

Inset_ARU054 The Old Barns [pdf] 2MB

Inset_ARU023_Fairfield [pdf] 2MB

Inset_ARU051_Dragonfly [pdf] 4MB

G&T Reg 19 Statement of Representations Procedure [pdf] 128KB

G&T Reg 19 Statement of Consultation [pdf] 660KB

G&T Reg 19 Duty to Cooperate Statement[pdf] 3MB

G&T Site Delivery Study 2023 [pdf] 8MB

Technical Note Summary of flood predictions at Gypsy & Traveller site allocations 2023 [pdf] 3MB

Technical note - access review with appendix A [pdf] 6MB
Please note the Drawings Appendix A missing from the previous version have been uploaded 12 January 2024

Explanatory Note: Arun Gypsy & Traveller and Traveller Showman Local Plan - Significance of PPG Changes with regard to flooding and climate change, sequential and exceptions tests, which shows that there are no reasonably available alternative sites to meet G&T needs based on the site evidence [pdf] 407KB

Below is the summary of representations made on the Regulation 19 Publication G&T DPD (which will be background paper 6 to the Planning Policy Committee report being considered on 6 June 2024).
  Reg 19 Consultation Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document.pdf [pdf] 220KB 

Gypsy and Traveller DPD Preferred Options

The Preferred Options take a positive approach to safeguarding existing sites within the District, proposing intensification on some of these and proposing to allocate a broad location to meet the identified need.

The following documents formed the consultation that was carried out for a period of 8 weeks in late 2020.  It is important to note that in order to facilitate responses, the Arun Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations Development Plan Document (G&T DPD) –  PREFERRED OPTIONS set out the context for consideration of these preferred options, including national and regional policies and the available evidence base / statistical background. It is important to note that in order to facilitate responses, the Arun Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations Development Plan Document (G&T DPD) –  PREFERRED OPTIONS set out the context for consideration of these preferred options, including national and regional policies and the available evidence base / statistical background.

Meeting Need

Gypsy & Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site identification Study 2019

A Gypsy & Traveller Site Identification Study 2019 (G&TSIS 2019) has been carried out to look at all reasonable options for sites that could accommodate the identified need set out in the GTAA 2019 through provision of permanent gypsy and traveller and traveller showmen accommodation.

The process included a ‘call for sites’ that asked all stakeholders including the district’s town and parish councils to submit potential sites within their areas.

The Reg.19 representation statementKOv5.pdf [pdf] 283KB sets out the potential site provision within Arun to accommodate the identified need for Gypsies and Travellers and travelling showpeople within Arun for the period to 2036. 

Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations Development Plan Document (G&T DPD) Issues & Options

The council is undertaking an Issues and Options public consultation from 8 July until 5pm on 2 September on the first stage of preparing its Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations Development Plan Document (G&T DPD). 

Issues and Options document and accompanying evidence documents

Issues and options July 2019 [pdf] 4MB

comments form GT DPD [docx] 132KB

Further periods of public consultation are planned with a Preferred Draft later in 2019 and Regulation 19 Publication (during Spring) 2020. The G&T DPD production timetable can be seen in the Council’s Local Development Scheme.

Sustainability appraisal

Full Sustainability Appraisal is not required until Regulation 18 draft plan stage. However, an early Sustainability Appraisal Report [pdf] 3MB  assessment has been carried out for the sites which will shape the Issues & Options Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Site Allocations Development Plan Document (G&T DPD) in order to make sure that the plan being prepared is the most sustainable.